Candy Reeder Candy Reeder

The Secret Power of Bliss

What does “self pleasure” mean to you? Coming from a strict religious upbringing, the phrase has sent me running the other direction in the past. But what if tuning into your own body is actually beneficial? The fact that female biology has a Skittle sized organ with 8,000 nerve endings and no other function than *sending waves of pleasure through the body* seems pretty straightforward to me.

Remember that feeling in high school when you thought about kissing your crush? Or when an attractive stranger smiles at you? When you’re “twitter-pated” or “blinded by love", and suddenly shift out of overly critical and start making exceptions for imperfection? And then you’re doused with criticism and judgement, for all the mistakes you made while your “head is in the clouds”. And why are we secretly so fascinated by the taboo?

We need both darkness and light, yin and yang, creation and void to be whole. But we are so focused on the light, that we seek to banish the darkness. Push it down, below the surface, try to escape it, try to hide it. Put it in a cage, or force it to change into something else. Into light.  But, wholeness is wholeness, and we can’t only be part of ourselves. So when we try to cut a piece off, it seeks any other path to emanate. It goes between our joints, into our cells, into our liver, or adrenals. We get gall stones and burnout. We get rashes and eczema. It goes into our brain and diverts our neural pathways. It lashes out in anger at the ones we love most. It clogs our creativity and intuitive channel. It shrouds our heart and keeps us from experiencing emotional intimacy and soulful connection.

When we tune into our pleasure and bliss, which is also typically categorized with shadow, shamefulness and taboo, we open a channel for that part of us to flow through. If we remain conscious of this, we can use this magnetic energy for meaningful creation and destruction. We can destroy limiting beliefs about self, or deprecating thoughts or habits that keep us in a place of fear, lack, or self hatred.

Bliss creates hormones in our body that put us in a state of following our intuition over the critical mind. It opens the flow of our channel of Wholeness and suddenly we are powerful, joyful, indestructible, audacious, and magnetic. We leave behind clingy, codependent need for someone or something outside of ourself to fill our cup, to meet our needs, to keep us from disappointment. We fill our own damn cup, and proudly! From this place, we can meet another whole, free flowing being and dance in wholeness together, lifting one another higher rather than tearing down or fighting between sacrificing your needs or theirs.

Maybe for you it’s stimulating those amazing nerve endings. Maybe it’s thrift shopping for all your favorite textures. Maybe it’s basking in a sunset, or caressing your own skin while getting dressed. The possibilities are endless. If you would like help conceptualizing what your own pleasure practice could look like, please don’t hesitate to reach out. There is no judgement here, only joy at the thought of you opening up to YOU! All gender and orientation types are worthy of Self Love, and I dream of helping empower you to find that within your stunning Self!

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